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Learn the world's only technique which qualifies you as a voiceover 

The Hudson Voice Technique

Gain full control of your voice and the way you deliver a voiceover script

TMT Media Award

Best Vocal Training 2020

Listen to the difference this course makes in just a few hours!

Before & AfterBeverly & Charlie
00:00 / 01:23

Does the Hudson Voice Technique really work?

Have a look at these reviews

You need more than a good voice to be a professional voiceover artist

The Hudson Voice Technique will teach you the essential techniques you need to become a confident and successful voiceover.

It will put you fully in charge of your greatest asset – your voice – so you can start earning money in this lucrative industry.


Every week, people ask me how much work there is and how much money they can earn as a voiceover. Once you are trained in the Hudson Voice Technique voiceover course and with practise, your potential as a voiceover is enormous. There are many online agencies you can join, and of course networking is still an excellent way to find voiceover jobs.


Do you speak more than one language? Voiceovers are needed in countries and languages all over the world, so if you speak several languages fluently, you can earn even more! Click here to find out more.


Thousands of radio and television commercials are produced every year, not to forget video games, websites and talking books. Then there is  corporate narration. This includes videos for documentaries, sales training, safety training, promotional, educational and induction.

The Hudson Voice Technique qualifies you to record voiceovers - professionally

HeadlinesSteve Hudson
00:00 / 00:35

Not only did I thoroughly enjoy the course, but it helped boost my self-esteem and also improved my reading skills.
I have already been invited to take part in my first voiceover for a local radio station.

Scott Crawford

Latest Review

Everything you need to know to become a professional voiceover artist


Qualify as a professional voiceover by learning the 7 elements of the Hudson Voice Technique.


When you've earned your Voicemaster Diploma, it's time to record your voiceover demo. We will give you advice and guidance.


Join one or more online voiceover agents and start auditioning for jobs worldwide. The agents' fee will be earned back with one or two paid jobs.


By being trained in a professional technique  you will have an advantage over your competition and you can increase your income by recording voiceovers from home in your spare time.


We're always happy to answer any questions you have!

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  Order a voiceover course now  

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