A few weeks later, my agent sent me to a casting for Talisman pipe tobacco, and I was lucky enough to be chosen.
The location was Chiswick House in west London. The cast were due at 7.30 for make-up and wardrobe. Chiswick House is one of the most beautiful houses in England, and a perfect setting. The scene was a posh banquet and we were all dressed in dinner jackets and frilly frocks. I was in a dinner jacket so as not to confuse you!
I was sitting at a desk in the library, lighting my trusty pipe. The doors open and a beautiful lady walks in. Her golden hair is tumbling over her shoulders and I couldn’t help noticing her twin orbs of pleasure bursting through gossamer seams.
She closed the door and walked towards me with obvious interest, but I was more interested in lighting my pipe…and they say romance is dead!