Voiceovers mostly work from home recording for clients worldwide

Thank heavens for modern technology! In order for you to get voiceover work, the best way to go is to join an online agent or two. They have a list of clients who need voiceovers for all types of jobs and in all kinds of languages.
Take a look at this snapshot of some jobs currently open.
Of course, agents charge a fee, but it’s not going to break the bank and with one or two jobs, you’ll have your money back and start making a profit.
Once you have created your voiceover demo, you create a profile with an online agent and upload your demo. They will send you alerts when a job fitting your voice description comes in. I also recommend you log into your account with the agent every day and look for all the posted jobs because there will always be jobs you can apply for, even if you weren’t sent an alert about them.
Sometimes you will be asked to record an audio script to submit. It’s worth doing this because it gives you a greater chance at landing the job.

In the past week I have applied for 7 jobs, ranging from a charity voiceover for £200 to a corporate narration for £500.
I’m now waiting for the results.
Some time ago I received an audition for an Italian video game. I got the job and was paid £2500.
Last month, I landed a job for £1000 which took me an hour in my home studio.

The Hudson Voice Technique for Voiceovers
The world’s only technique for professional verbal communication.

Created by Steve Hudson International award-winning voiceover artist and leading communication skills trainer.
"I've taken several other voice over courses and even though this course is shorter then the others, it contains a plethora of information that can not be over looked, It has made me gain more confidence and knowledge to the art of becoming a voice over personality, knowing that I can attack my next project confidently. A must have for anyone serious about learning how to speak and phrase properly. very very well done."
Cory Shelnick