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    CLE for Lawyers    

Learn the worlds' first and only technique for professional verbal communication

Accredited by the Law Society

Steve Hudson, Founder and Creator

   Impress the Judge   

  Convince the Jury   

   Instill confidence in your client  


"By creating the Hudson Voice Technique, Hudson has established himself
as the world's leading communication skills trainer."

James Grant, CEO, Testsonthenet

It may surprise you to know that none of us have ever been taught a specific technique for verbal communication
because there wasn't one.

This means that, even if you are better than most of your colleagues, you could be even better, if you learn this technique.

For example;

  • What to do at the end of a sentence (and I don't include 'stop and breathe').

  • Learn how to create blocks of information.

  • How do you slow down your rate of speech. Different parts of your presentation require different speeds for greater impact. 

  • How do you recognise 'Red Flag' words and situations?

  • How and when should you use your No.5 voice?

  • How to have more energy and enthusiasm when you deliver your speech.

Learning these rules will give you a much greater chance of winning your argument.


Law Society of England and Wales


"I thoroughly enjoyed the course and came away convinced that the Hudson Voice Technique is an excellent way to learn how to use and control the voice more effectively, and that the skills acquired can be adapted for various purposes useful for solicitors; advocacy, presentations, public speaking generally, also for more effectively presenting an argument in a meeting or a negotiation, not to mention anyone who might want to set up a sideline in voiceovers. ...Solicitors will benefit from this course, and the provider has been granted accreditation."


Mrs Susan Brown Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) assessor

You have a unique speech pattern - it's your 'verbal DNA'

A survey from 2018 of 1127 American and UK executives and lawyers
found that there are 7 common mistakes made when we speak.

We all make at least 3 of them...

73 % talk too fast

The listener can't keep up. Learn to vary your rate of speech.

81 % run sentences into each other

Don't confuse your listener. 

Learn the 3 Golden Rules.

29% lack energy 

Sounds boring so the listener 'tunes out'.

Learn to project and energize your speech.

43% use a rising inflection

This reflects indecision.

Learn to sound positive and confident.

34% emphasize the wrong words

The message is not getting across as it should.

Learn to recognize 'Red Flag' words and situations.

18% speak in a monotone

Maintain audience interest. 

Learn how to control the way you deliver your message.

32% leave sentences open

Sounds like you are not sure of your facts.

Learn to express your knowledge in an assured way.

Special Report by Ryan Ottman, editor CPD for Lawyers

Verbal communication skills are a professional necessity for many, if not most lawyers; yet it is all too easy to reach a plateau of competence and forget about the further development of our strongest communication asset – our voice.

Deployed with thought and skill, the voice will always have an advantage of a letter, email or written submission as a form of effective communication, and the technique reaffirmed this reality.


Benefits of the Hudson Voice Technique


When you have greater confidence presenting your case, your audience will have more confidence in you and what you say


This technique makes you a more effective reader which means studying court bundles will take less time because of increased 


If English is your second language, this technique will slow you down. This reduces your accent, making you sound clearer


Learn to use your voice like a precision tool to convey emotion and conviction.  

Have greater powers of persuasion


The way you deliver words in a sentence can make the meaning more or less evident - especially with complex technical information



Learn at your own pace. We know you're busy and it's not always easy to arrange time out from your schedule, so our online video course will be ideal for you.


Duration: There are 7 elements to the course. One element a day takes just 30 minutes, so you can learn the technique in just a week!

Before & After assessment with Steve via SKYPE or other apps.

Lifetime Access to the online course
Diploma upon completion


Join a Masterclass with your colleagues. Learn direct from the world's No.1 communication skills trainer. Each session includes practical instruction and practice.

Duration: 4 x  1 hour sessions
Lifetime Access to the online video course

We can adjust according to your schedule.
Lifetime Access to the online course

Assessment by Steve

Diploma upon completion


We can arrange a 1-2-1 session with you if you prefer to learn without others.

Duration: 3 x  1 hour sessions
Lifetime Access to the online video course

We can adjust according to your schedule.
Lifetime Access to the online course

Assessment by Steve

Voicemaster diploma upon completion

Whichever course you choose, it is important to practise what you've learned. Fortunately, as soon as you've learned an element you can implement it straight away in your everyday communication


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